I prayed for a friend with a cold this morning, following Roger Sapp's approach again (video series listed here, and queued to the relevant video and point here). His sinuses cleared but his throat was unchanged (i.e., it was still sore), so I placed my hand on his throat and commanded the soreness to go away. I asked him if it was any better and he said, if I recall his words correctly, "No it's still—holy cow, it does feel better!"
I'll try and remember to follow up with him later and update this post regardless of whether he's still feeling better.
Later in the day, I went and asked my friend if he was feeling better. He said he felt how he had before we prayed. I prayed again but with no immediate sign of change. I wonder if I should do as Ian Andrews suggests in this video (queued to the relevant point), and ask the Holy Spirit to flow through my hand then wait for any sensations I might feel to finish? I'll try and remember that next time I pray for someone.
I'll try and remember to follow up with him later and update this post regardless of whether he's still feeling better.
Later in the day, I went and asked my friend if he was feeling better. He said he felt how he had before we prayed. I prayed again but with no immediate sign of change. I wonder if I should do as Ian Andrews suggests in this video (queued to the relevant point), and ask the Holy Spirit to flow through my hand then wait for any sensations I might feel to finish? I'll try and remember that next time I pray for someone.
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