This morning, I prayed for another guy with a medical boot thing on his foot. I did followed the same approach as yesterday, but there was no change he could detect. I laid hands on his foot three times, and then we talked. He expressed that having this issue with his foot (a recurring issue over the years) has deepened his walk with the Lord and commented that we don't always understand why God does what he does but we know it's for good. I said that my current theology is that it's always God's will to heal. Then I asked if I could lay hands on one more time. This time I just put my hand on his shoulder. There was still no noticeable change.
I don't think I can say for certain what the problem was, but I think I may have been subconsciously thinking I could make this work now. As Art Thomas has commented in one of his messages (I don't recall which one), we're moving in the wrong direction when we start trying to do the healing. Jesus does the healing through us. We have to trust him to do it. The more we're trying to be "involved" in the actual work of healing, the further we are from where we need to be. Jesus paid for the healing and Jesus bears our sicknesses and carries our diseases. Our job is to trust him. I think I was slipping into thinking I was "the healer."
I don't think I can say for certain what the problem was, but I think I may have been subconsciously thinking I could make this work now. As Art Thomas has commented in one of his messages (I don't recall which one), we're moving in the wrong direction when we start trying to do the healing. Jesus does the healing through us. We have to trust him to do it. The more we're trying to be "involved" in the actual work of healing, the further we are from where we need to be. Jesus paid for the healing and Jesus bears our sicknesses and carries our diseases. Our job is to trust him. I think I was slipping into thinking I was "the healer."
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