Praying for family

On this post, I'm going to list family members' illnesses I have "prayed for." I probably won't break this out into separate posts and will just periodically update this one. I think it's important for these to be included in this blog.

My wife has cancer. I have prayed for her multiple times but without her being fully healed.
  • She has not had lasting neuropathy from the various chemo regimens she's been through since 2015. When she has had numbness in her hands and feet, I have massaged them and prayed for healing, and it has gone away.
  • At the end of her second series of chemo, she had two small tumors left. One was one that had shrunk under chemo but not gone away completely, and the other was a new one, which meant it was chemo resistant. We planned to have a pinpoint radiation treatment for the chemo resistant tumor (although we also prayed for God to remove it miraculously) and planned to do two more rounds of chemo to get the other one. Unfortunately, she had an allergic reaction to the chemo drug, so we had to stop after just one round. However, when we went for scans to prep for the radiation treatment, the new, chemo resistant tumor was gone. You can call that what you want; I say it's a miracle even though she still has cancer.
  • In the third series of chemo (which we're currently in), she has had nausea and extreme fatigue for a few days after each infusion, and she's had a rash that we think may be an allergic reaction to the chemo drugs. I have laid hands on her several times and commanded healing and rub her back every night and silently pray for healing and/or command healing. So far, she has not been healed of the cancer or of any of these side effects.
  • I have payed for her eyebrows to grow back, but they have not.
  • I have payed for her eyesight and hearing loss the seem to be a side effect of the chemo to be healed, but they have not been.
One of my children has a life-threatening peanut allergy. I have commanded healing of that, but with no healing apparent.

One of my children has Celiac disease. I have commanded healing of that, but with no healing apparent. I do think that child was having a reaction one time and it stopped after I laid on hands.

One of my children has clinical depression and is on antidepressant drugs. I have spoken healing over that and commanded demons to leave, but the depression has remained.

Both I and one of my children had laid hands on each other for healing from poor eyesight (My eyesight is so poor I wear contact lenses that I get for free because they are deemed "medically necessary"). My eyesight seems not to have changed, but my child may be experiencing slight improvement.
